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Esau Berumen graduated in 1997 with a degree in Mathematics. He is from South Los Angeles, and still lives in LA, working as a principal at the Hawthorne Math and Science Academy high school.
Eric Warren graduated in 1969 with a degree in Speech and Drama (now Theater). He has always lived in Eagle Rock. He worked as a film and television designer, and now is the local historian of Eagle Rock.
Eric Newhall graduated in 1967 with a degree in English and Comparative Literature. He is from Washington state, and resides very close to campus, as he has been a professor of American literature at the college.
Eric Linneman graduated in 1984 with a degree in Physics. He is from the suburbs of San Diego and now lives in Littleton, Colorado. He works for Microsoft in the state and local government and education areas of the company.

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Ed Harper graduated in 1951 with a degree in Physical Education and double-minored in Speech and Biology. Originally from Eagle Rock, Ed now lives in San Clemente. He’s worked in many facets of education, from teacher to counselor to principal, and…
Doris Linsley Graves graduated in 1955, majoring in Pre-Med. She is a pediatrician based in Alhambra, California.

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Donald Smith graduated from Occidental in 1972 with a degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs. Originally from Culver City, California, he currently resides in Los Angeles as a presbyterian clergyman who specializes in ministries of service,…
Dave Berkus, class of 1962, graduated Occidental with a major in Economics and a minor in Psychology. A current Occidental trustee, Berkus is originally from Pasadena, and now resides in Arcadia, California and works as a venture capitalist.
Claudia Wilderman, née Inman, graduated Occidental in 1997 with a double major in Mathematics and Economics. Originally from Los Angeles, she currently resides in Seal Beach, CA as a project manager at a consulting firm.
Cheri Eichen Steinkellner graduated in 1977 with a degree in English and Comparative Literature. She is from Fullerton, CA but now lives in Santa Monica and works as a television writer.
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