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Regina Airey graduated in 1987 as a Psychology major. She is from Walnut, California and currently resides in Santa Monica. She has her own firm that specializes in leadership development and strategic planning for large and diverse companies or…
Lande Ajose graduated in 1987 with a degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs and a minor in Theater. Originally from Berkeley, California, Lande has worked in the education sector as a policy analyst and education advocate.
Born in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, George Alcorn graduated from Oxy in 1962 with a degree in Physics. He’s a well-known physicist credited with pioneering the x-ray spectrometer, and is a fellow of the African Scientific Institute.

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Patricia Alireza graduated in 1994 with a degree in Physics. She is from Mexico City, but now lives between London and Pasadena, working as a physicist. Her experience in unique, as she came to Oxy in her thirties.

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Lois Carwile graduated in 1945 with a degree in Art (now Art History). She is an Eagle Rock native and continues to reside close to the campus, she is a retired teacher.

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Sara El-Amine graduated in 2007 with a degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs. She is from Duxbury, Massachusetts and now lives in Chicago working as the National Training Director for the Obama campaign.
Alan Freeman graduated from Occidental in 1966 with a degree in Speech and Drama (now Theater). Originally from San Marino, California, Freeman lives in Pasadena. After working as a an actor and director for a few years, Freeman returned to…
Ed Harper graduated in 1951 with a degree in Physical Education and double-minored in Speech and Biology. Originally from Eagle Rock, Ed now lives in San Clemente. He’s worked in many facets of education, from teacher to counselor to principal, and…
Steve Kawa graduated in 1967 with a major in Political Science. He is from Montebello, California and now lives in Mission Viejo, working as a community college administrator.
Angelica Salas graduated from Occidental in 1993 with a double major in Sociology and History. Originally from Pasadena, California, Salas has worked with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles for over 17 years.
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