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Rosemary Mixon Snow graduated in 1952 with a major in Speech (now Theater). She is now retired and lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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Peggy Robinson graduated in 1972 and majored in Diplomacy and World Affairs. She is originally from a suburb of Houston, and now lives in Austin, Texas, working as the outreach director for the Aceh Relief Fund.
Valerie Reece graduated in 1973 with an undeclared major. She is a senior software engineer in Manhattan Beach, California.

Ana Ramos-Sanavio graduated in 1993, double majoring in History and Art History and The Visual Arts. She is from East La, and now lived in Alhambra working as a clinical social worker.
Bryce Rademan graduated in 2005 with a major in Diplomacy and World Affairs. He is a restaurenteur and owner of Spitz, living in Hollywood.
Alice Ng graduated in 1994 with a degree in Politics. She is from Portland, and now lives in Los Angeles, working as a 401(K) plan administrator.

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Ara Najarian graduated in 1982 with a degree in Economics, after transferring from Bucknell. He currently lives in Glendale, has been the mayor of Glendale, and works as an attorney.
Frances Krantz Moffit graduated in 1944 with a degree in Biology. She was a full time wife and mother, as well we the head of her church’s school.

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Eric Linneman graduated in 1984 with a degree in Physics. He is from the suburbs of San Diego and now lives in Littleton, Colorado. He works for Microsoft in the state and local government and education areas of the company.

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Jenny Lau graduated in 2001 with a degree in English and Comparative Literary Studies. She is from Los Angeles and still resides there. She is a graduate student of English at Claremont and is a part time substitute teacher in LAUSD.
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